Hiroshima on August 6 is here this year as well. The exhibition began on the basis of the poem by .Mrs. Ohira.

The same as last year, the local people helped make flowers and folded-paper cranes to be pasted .

The exhibition was made public from the evening of August 5 throughout night. A lot of people earnestly looked into the poem by Mrs. Ohira.


It was hot on the morning on 6th. Returning from the memorial services, many of those A-bombed kindly visited the exhibition. Also Mr. Yasushi Ohira, the son of Kazuko Ohira, came along .


For Toro-nagashi, lanterns float, the local students and kindergarten pupils all together made the Kagee lanterns. All are very much enthusiastic. The floating lanterns looked teriffic.

It was impressive that many people were so keen to read the poem by Mrs. Ohira around the Kagee. Some people were found with tears spilled. I sincerely thank that we could mourn over 61 years past through her poem.


Afterwards, the Kagee moved around Hiroshima City. ( the picture showing the pupils at Fraser Kindergarten and the teacher Ms. Tezuka)


Exhibision had moved around city after Motoyasubashi Exhibition on August5 and 6.

●8/8/2006〜 Hiroshima Machizukuri Shimin Kouryu Plaza

●8/23〜9/1/2006 Hiroshima Nagaregawa Church
●9/2〜11/10/2006 Fraser Kindergarten ( Hiroshim)
●11/11〜11/14/2006 Kanes Kindergarten ( Hiroshima)
●11/15/2006〜 Yoko Kindergarten ( Hiroshima)
●1/9/2007〜 Hirishima Josei Kyouiku Center ( WE plaza )
●4/3〜4/26/2007  Hiroshima Jogakuin Middle School

●4/26〜5/21/2007  Seireien ( Hiroshima )

●5/21〜6/11/2007 Hiroshima Jogakuin University Chapel

●6/11〜6/28/2007  Chugoku Newspaper 1F

●6/29/2007〜 Nagisa Koen Primary School