kagee=shadow picture
Junko Hemmi/music
Rebecca Moore/violin
Rabbit : Rose Heineman/Story Telle
Giraffa : Yuko Hamasaki/kagee


  Quick Time recommened

" introducution "

Oh dark night we are with you and our friend the moon is sending us a message.

The wind will carry these words to other worlds. Whispering softly into the hollows of the trees. Look for a fallen feather to guide you. Hear the sounds as a blessing and light a candle as a sign of good fortune.

... Quiet now and close your eyes. A spider is watching you.Gentle dream from deep in the forest. Allow the lullaby to lead you there. Soft feathers falling like snowflakes all around.

Tear drops in tea cups and mysteries woven in spider webs. Wise old owl oversees the ceremony.
...Quiet now, owl is reading your mind.

chapter 1
 " The girl "
chapter 2
"" The Mermaid's Song "
chapter 3
" Unicorn Moon "
chapter 4
" Carrot Soup "
Shoes on Parad "